Which plugin format do you need? UXP, CEP or C++?

What you should know about the new Adobe Unified Extensibility (UXP) Platform for Photoshop

Adobe has modernized the Photoshop plugin APIs and officially introduced UXP as the new cross-app platform in Photoshop v22 at Adobe MAX 2020. With UXP the new plugins not only run more natively in Photoshop they can also be managed directly in Photoshop and be installed via the Creative Cloud Desktop app.

As a participant in the Photoshop prerelease program we had very early access to the new UXP APIs. The entire Picture Instruments team is proud to be able to actively contribute to the development of the new plugin technology through ideas, suggestions for improvement and further feedback. Our first UXP plugins will be officially presented at Adobe Max 2020.

Will the CEP extensions/panels for Photoshop still work?

CEP extensions will continue to run for the time being. Adobe has already announced that the future focus will be on UXP technology. Since it is uncertain how long CEP extensions will be supported it is unfortunately only a matter of time before they become obsolete.

What about the C ++ plugins for Photoshop?

Our C ++ plugins such as Color Cone, Warping Wheels and LUT Mixer are not affected by the transformation from CEP to UXP. This means they are still up to date and nothing changes in this matter.

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